Pet Supplies

A dog that experiences car sickness is often a miserable time for the dog, the driver and other passengers in the car. Practical methods to reduce the symptoms include not feeding your dog before a journey, and by gradually getting your dog used to travelling by car – taking them somewhere they enjoy, a park, to the beach or for a long walk in the forest. Gradually your dog will start to look forward to getting in the car and any anxiety involved in car travel will reduce. If symptoms continue, either anxiety or physical sickness then consult with your vet for the best solution. You can purchase certain travel sickness tablets for dogs online and we suggest using Amazon for this. See the products available below.

You may also find that getting your pet used to travelling in a travel carrier is helpful in reducing stress as they will get used to being somewhere that they are used to and feel safe in. Dog crates or travel carriers come in a wide range of sizes to suit most cars and size of dog.